Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Summer at the Cabin

I'm surprised I didn't think of this like three years ago, I'm totally going to spend the whole summer at the cabin...why not? There's nothing keeping me here in town, except the demand I keep setting up playdates, sure Colton will be crushed to be losing out on camp, but I think I can make it up to him.

We can still do the library programs, I guess. Yes, it will be a magnificent summer spent at the cabin, will have to get internet access set up, and cable. There's nothing better for my spirit than to cut these last ties, and do what I want with my summer.

The science museum will keep us busy, plus being at the beach and staring at the tremendous lake will wake up my eyes. And, surrounded by Native American Indians, I'll feel tribal and safe. I can't believe I only just thought of this, been keeping it from myself as some sort of surprise.

The grocery stores in Bemidji are amazing, and Minnesotans are wa-a-a-y cooler than losers here. The lake, the lake is what I'm now going to imagine is possible. I've been waiting for the courage to pull this lifestyle off, and a summer at the cabin will be it.

And oh yes, the pictures.

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