Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lessons with Authority

Maybe it's not common knowledge afterall, I guess I expect too much from adults. I should know better, really I should, most are publicly educated, and then commit their own children without giving the thought a swirl. Give me a good two hours with anyone, daring to open their minds, and I'll explain every P, Q, and W about what's wrong with the system, why it's wrong all the time.

Consequently producing adult after adult who is wrong all the time. I sit here all the time feeling grateful, I'm spared. But I never consider it my responsibility to enlighten all others, and so I forget to correctly interpret all those antagonizing stares. A buncha idiots, and I always shoulda known better.

Homeschoolers don't just hate TESTS, they fight they government constantly and relentlessly to lay off. Go measure your own incompetence please, you're distracting me from the very much more important job of living, educating my children, and yes, living for God.

I should've made the connection earlier, all these tests. And should have treated them accordingly, "We're homeschoolers, we don't NEED tests." Fine, we'll take them if we have to, and were average and above, at taking tests.

But the content must be taught in person. No other service or technology can do it justice. Among friends.

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