Monday, February 22, 2010

Morning rituals

I'm a bullshit artist, so bear with me. The internet is so unpredictable, I never know WHO'S going to entice me...just get used to it is the only advice I can propose.

I've thought once or twice about being so organized a school-parent, that I'd lay my children's clothing out the night before. Never, would I throw up my hands and do what "other moms" just do, which is to get kids dressed the night before.

I can barely stand the thought of the wrinkles, let alone an uncomfortably spent sleep in denim, snaps and buttons. We don't even let them sleep in SOCKS, for God's sake (learned that good habit from my husband).

Laying clothes out the night before isn't nearly as sinful, but I SAVOR walking into their rooms each morning, embracing the unpredictable. First, I turn on a light and sit quietly, then decide who needs a shower-bath, or just get their clothes out.

Even my eleven year old, who's fully fashion-capable...I enjoy being that mom who does it the same way everyday. Back, when the school year began, I chose something easier. Allowing for the "hurry up and get dressed" chaos, I'd sneak downstairs a tad earlier.

Sitting on the couch alone, watching music videos. That's how I began our school year, and had planned to spend all winter. But, I adapted to new requirements for new rhythms and saved my videos for a little later.

I have the best of all worlds, the way I see it and live it. Nothing like new artists being added to the mix though, my time for "me time" begins once they're out the door.

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