Friday, January 8, 2010

The pain of childbirth

Fuckin' hurts, I'll have you know. Nothing like the anticipation however, of the pain that lasts and lasts and lasts. Well, it's worth it in the end...that baby experience makes it so. Dead or alive, can't choose every destiny your heart desires, some just go with the mighty flow.

And complain whenever possible. Turning myself into my own enemy isn't something I'd really thought of until this week, feeling less "degraded" and "humiliated" than yesterday, though. And all last week when I really, really thought about it.

In exchange for holding my head high, from now on I'll just meditate on Jay Leno. Funny the things I learn from the power elite these days. Of course, car whores are unique, in that they have less lack-of-lack than anyone on earth, so.

Probably makes their comedy more intravenous than an actual contribution to society. A stabilizing force for the poor-needing-structure in their nightly "I'm not REALLY being deceived and screwed over by the Halliburtons of the world".

Robin Williams would never partake, no matter how much real estate he owns. It's genuine character and talent he leans towards, although he did say something surprising last night to Charlie Rose (was actually taped on Dec. 4th).

Doesn't really give much of a crap about the up-and-coming, they do just fine on their own. He called their acts "interesting" however...not enough funny. He only gives props to the masters.

To each his own.

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