Friday, August 28, 2009

Winged thoughts

Focus children, this is not about airplanes despite the confusing title. It's about thoughts just flung out there, explored, some worse than others. Don't bite an airplane, or an insult, both are made of metal. Huh? Me either.

Paedomorphosis is supposedly the best brand of evolution out there, like total regression into the juvenile, before deciding, or just landing (hey, airplanes do this!) in a superior mode of adulthood. Look around enemies for life, very few are willing to own the whole picture.

Take school for example (it's the only one I have), besides the teachers there's the parents, oh c'mon, you didn't know that. Stating the obvious, it's my speciality, doesn't mean metal's now an essential part of my diet. Logic 101, where beginners dare tread.

Yes, we're talking automobiles now, you knew I was that fast. Vroom, vroom !!! Anyway, gonna slow down here, but just winging it, so I've no idea what I'm gonna write here. Not even sure I'll delight you, oh enemy of the past. Way long ago, and further, before then.

Ah yes, that's the ticket (who used to say that?) Probably one of the uglies, very few coinwords come from those who are attractive. What, I'm the only one to notice? So anyway, winging it, usually worth it.

Not this time, this time, going nowhere, and fast.

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