Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In America...

we can swear, but not in our public schools. Can a soul on earth actually believe that I marched on down to our local "all we teach is true" and enrolled four out of five of my brood? And to think, the rest of the universe is consumed with world peace still. Boring !!!

I'm choosing to surrender, just as Sri Aurobindo would recommend too. For those not in the know, we must sink to the depths of humanity first, yes refugees, I'm referring to you. Having sunk, we can know all the suffering there is. God's gift, remember? All that's still true.

Greedy folks out there, I sense 'em throughout my long, sacrificial days. Nothing's ever good enough it seems, always asking for more, finding reason to complain. Whatever would my world be like if people were just grateful for fate, probably would see that as lame.

Just being grateful for the echoes all day. As I adapt to this new life I'm leading (ah yes, me and my love for the new)...the challenge is already reaping tons and tons of fruit. Except for those annoying interruptions that tell me my path's not good enough, makes me blue.

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