I love black, so what. I chose lavender instead, at the last minute, and I'm glad.
Parades and Such wanted to host it, and so
Grownupartists (always in black) will come later. It always comes later and that makes my friends glad.
Being reliable isn't something I learned from Earl, but it's something I noticed. My own reliability quotient depends on my mood, which oftentimes is a quickfix away, and othertimes not. It's never bothered me much, these inconsistent times, because that's when I depend most on faith. It's empowering.
No dictator or schoolmaster, or Godforbid Super-ly well-intended checking-up-on-you-er, is going to make me feel guilty for just trusting God. Nor will I be one of those types of Christians who feels my entrance or non-entrance into heaven depends on anyone else's salvation, it doesn't. Probably why the Evangelicals always get under my skin so bad.
Protestants and Catholics are probably what I should be discussing, but I can't because I'm mad. And yes, it has everything to do with gift horses and Trojans. You see, some people pretend to know history, and then base false assumptions on that.
While others have abandoned Birkenstocks altogether, in favor of realizing that cappuccino, yes that one right there, only exists because men fought in wars. Very bloody, many decapitating years later, we enjoy freedom, which is NEVER for FOREVER.
Only God is eternal, that should provide some comfort, and lasts forever if by chance eternal means something close but not quite forever. Why invest in forever anyway, when you have right now.
Well, right now is good in theory, doesn't seal the deal though. And while my children are self-directed, playing imaginative games and building towers as I type and look on. I'm no spectator to my own life (in Latin spect- means to watch). I'm a participant.
And when I take an overall gestalt-like view of my life, I want to be sure I'm participating in all the aspects of my life full-heartedly. I get the most satisfaction that way, less distracting, which allows me to invest all the rest in faith.
Faith is nifty and reliable like that. Can move mountains while others play with molehills. I've seen mountains moved, captives rescued, evil found. In the meantime, I keep truckin 'til in faith is where we land. I'm
sorta evangelical like that, yet less hopeful.