Friday, July 10, 2009

Thank God for the institution of marriage

Too soon to bask in those fine borders of what is, and shouldn't be, possible when there's a classic white gold band on your finger, surpassed only by the diamond you inherited from Estonian royalty? Well, one-third of the original, but I got the clearest cut. Thank you God!

Were the news not afluster lately with affairs of the heart and loins by our very own politicians, I'd have nothing to say on the matter. What would a girl with an uncheatin heart know about infidelity anyway, besides the fact that it's easy to judge, more difficult to understand the reasoning.

Take the one with the soulmate, the only one that stands out to me among the batch of'd think in the moment he confessed it, he'd high-tail his ass right into the arms of his Argentinian newscaster. Turns out it wasn't about the character of his children afterall, he's nothing without his career. An empty vessel.

Filled with doubt that any Argentinian whose reputation he conveniently trashed in the process, would enjoy celebrating life beside a once-he-was, or almost-made-it-to-his-pinnacle-were-it-not-for-love. He chose what any man would choose with one-hundred years allowed on the planet, only forty of those viable.

Ultimately, he didn't leave his wife or destroy the character of his children for his soulmate. Funny man. Maybe, for all I know, they do all their communicating in ESP land, were that possible, which it's not, leaving me wondering...what could the other half of her soul even be thinking? Turns out love isn't the only reason for breathing.

Who really cares in the end, right? Not me, I'm heading to my cabin. Where I will bask in the sun between Cross Sums and Frescas, and at some point be surrounded by too many drunk out of their minds twenty-somethings, celebrating a family friend's bachelor party. We grown ups will be sober.

Last thing though, speaking of family friends...he's getting married this August and there's absolutely no better purpose for a girl like me on earth, than to be a good, reliable role model of healthy marriage to these young ones. Couldn't do it without my husband. May the institution of marriage always be blessed.

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