I guess everything gets broken for a reason. Maybe to better appreciate the shards? To make the edges less threatening, to allow for perspective? Who knows. Today though, after two typically slow days of snail's pace digestion (it felt more like three), I'm beginning anew. I have to.
I rarely forgive myself when I go astray from pure thinking. It dawned on me finally that God sets the path, that fear is the enemy, and peace intends to last. I've overcome so many self-limitations these past months, you'd think I cared only about growing, which I do.
Who I can be, what life would be like in a land of 100% acceptance, how that soft place to fall would feel if it actually existed. Maybe it only comes in pieces, but the whole's out there somewhere, or maybe just inside. But if it becomes easier to recognize through faith and devotion, then it's worth it.
It's meant to be ours. Could the universe be less complicated, I wouldn't want it to be. Appreciating everything that's in front of me with full ingratiation is the goal, then all else becomes blessing. That's the magic I keep trying to find in this back-to-school transition.
Once the settling occurs, when the flow restores itself into "allowing all" power. Then we get to choose, or examine life's options more carefully, and decide on our prayers. The best part, I'm telling you, it's yet to come. Ward off the dragons if they dare to show up, but ultimately, make them your friends.
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