But thanks for asking. I want to continue meditating on uncertainties I can't believe in, it's just how I am. A miracle? Maybe, maybe somehow. But when your thought process is more drawn to the deal-with-it if, and the hopefully during and after, then hmm.
Just leaves you sunk somewhere in the middle, wondering. A rare case, the rarest. Are we blessed? Is it a chance and an opportunity as I keep telling myself, to learn more about populations similar to diabetics, that I never have good enough excuse to participate in?
Let's begin here, but don't guess it.
"Are you preparing me for bad news?" the innocent asks.
"I'm sorry. It's very severe." That's all he said.
All the things I'll never forget about that exchange, me and my overly observant dumb memory.
Blah, blah, blah, and then some more.
"So, what have you just heard me say?" Kind man asks.
"Um, it's very serious. I'm going to cry all the way home. And then wonder what I did wrong." All me.
Puts hand on girl's knee. "You did nothing wrong, I swear."
I knew that. But that's how shock is worn before the awe returns.
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