Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's a Diary of a Wimpy Kid festival

At the library, of course. Saw the greatest housedress today on an actual woman...lavenderish. Checking out some DVDs, probably to spite her ex-husband who controls everything about her, except her wardrobe.

Even watched her snag a CHILDREN'S EVENTS brochure (I already have one), and here's me hoping I'll see more of her. I recall a long, long time ago, back when iVillage was in interaction with a woman who had 15 children.

Yes, it appeared she was in an abusive marriage, based on her non-answers to my questions which were, "____" and "____". Currently, I cannot remember. All I know as of now, based on experiences that occurred no less than an hour ago:

Break jobs, both front and rear...$95. Of course, the cute pictures drawn by the mechanic's children weren't even extra. Just hung half-amorously up on a bulletin board (on his wall). Some Pringles advertising he'd somehow talked his chil'ren into.

Weird, strange, and of course totally obvious.

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